Jul 2, 2014 | Google+, Simplify Social Media
If you have your business listed with Google (and I hope you do!), you may have shared my confusion with the array of Google sites that contain information about your business as well as the multiple places where you may need to update your business information. In...
May 8, 2012 | Simplify Social Media
As we have discussed in previous posts, the key to success in B2B social media is the development and sharing of content that will appeal to your target market. When we work with new B2B clients, we always have an in-depth discussion about content and these critical...
Apr 17, 2012 | Simplify Social Media
If you make quite a few presentations like I do, your old stand-by has been PowerPoint. Of course, everyone says that a presentation isn’t about the PowerPoint, it’s about the presenter and the information. That is true, but in this day of YouTube and...
Jun 6, 2011 | Simplify Social Media
By now you’ve surely seen the odd looking graphics that have been popping up everywhere- on websites, business cards, signs, postcards, promotional products and even vehicles (I was driving behind a van the other day with a huge QR code on the back window). If...
May 26, 2011 | Simplify Social Media
Multiple Sclerosis (MS) is a devastating disease to many people around the world and seriously impacts not only those who have the disease but also their families and friends, including the Westvyne Marketing family. World MS Day was started in May 2009 and its...