Simplify Twitter: 5 Free Tweet Schedulers

You’ve probably heard that if you use Twitter for your business, then you need to be sending out tweets several times per day. Why? Because if your connections are following more than a handful of people, their timelines are changing rapidly. Most Twitter users,...

Visibility = Consistency + Frequency

The secret of success is constancy of purpose.  -Benjamin Disraeli Small business owners and leaders struggle to develop and maintain the consistency and frequency of their marketing program, especially now that social media is in the mix. We are already consumed with...

Some Initial Impressions of Google+

Google recently opened up its latest venture into the social networking arena, Google+, to an invitation-only group (being a major geek, I was ridiculously excited about securing an invitation). Though not yet released to the general public, and still in development...

What’s Up with the Google +1 Button?

The +1 buttons you are starting to see pop up on websites (like ours) are Google’s new “plus one” feature. The +1 button seems to be in the same vein as the Facebook “like” button or maybe even a Twitter re-tweet. It’s another way...

Beating the Social Media Time Bandits

I recently re-read a book called Beating the Time Bandits: How to Transform Time into Success, Wealth & Happiness by Robert Hartung.  Hartung shares excellent strategies and tactics for managing time, which he asserts is our most valuable asset.  “Everyone,...