The +1 buttons you are starting to see pop up on websites (like ours) are Google’s new “plus one” feature. The +1 button seems to be in the same vein as the Facebook “like” button or maybe even a Twitter re-tweet. It’s another way to let people know that you find a website, a web page, a blog post or an article informative, helpful, useful, interesting, awesome- however you want to define it. Google says that when you click the +1 button, you are “recommending” that item to others through your Google profile.
In addition to being placed on websites, you can find the +1 buttons next to search results when you’re using Google, as long as you’re also logged into your Google (or Gmail) account.
When you do click on +1, that particular website or web page will be added to your Google profile under the +1 tab. The button will also turn blue.
If you’re not sure where your Google profile is, you can find it when you’re logged into your gmail account. Look on the top right and click on your name. Click on “View Profile” and you’ll see your Google profile. It’s probably time to either build or update your Google profile.
Giving something a +1 is a public action- anyone could potentially see items you have +1’d when they visit the same places on the internet. You can keep your Google profile private, but why?
According to Google, your +1’s help improve the content you see on Google search. We’re not exactly sure how that works yet, but we’ll keep watching.
If you have a Google account and you find a page useful, you might as well give it a +1. If you have a website, you or your website developer can add the button wherever you want it fairly easily (just Google “+1 button”). With Google, it may be a good thing to be an early adopter.