Article Writing: The B2B marketing gift that keeps on giving

Many B2B company owners and leaders ask us to share one “social media” activity that they can use to encourage traffic to their websites and more interest from their target market.  Our answer is usually the same; write interesting and helpful articles,...

Content is Key to B2B Social Media Success

When it comes to using social media to promote a B2B company, one thing really makes all the difference.  And that thing is content. Whereas many B2C companies sell products and services that can inspire raving fans, B2B companies often struggle with inspiring that...

Blog? But we’re a plumbing company!

By now most of us have heard that blogging is one of the best things we can do to drive traffic to our small business websites and increase the awareness of our brands. In fact, here’s a great post from Phil Mershon (Social Media Examiner) that gives statistics...

How to Brand Yourself: Simplified

Every successful entrepreneur has had to put some focus on building the brand of the company so that people can easily identify what the company does and how to get in touch when the time is right to purchase.  We have evolved (or devolved, according to some) to a...