Google alerts for bloggers mediavine marketingIf you are like many business owners and professionals recently, you have challenged yourself to write one blog per week.  For some of you, finding material and writing that great blog comes naturally.  However, many people find themselves banging their foreheads against their desks every week as they search for topics ideas and supporting information.

Google Alerts to the Rescue

Google Alerts ( is a great service to help you, according to Google, “monitor the web for interesting new content”.  With Google Alerts, you get email updates of the latest Google results (web, news, video, etc.) based on your search terms.  You just enter the topic you want to monitor and choose your notification options. You can select the type of content you receive as well as how often you receive it.

Say you sell health insurance coverage to small business owners and you want to provide helpful, timely information to clients and potential clients.  You could set up a Google Alert for “health insurance small business” and be emailed every day or once a week with news items, other blogs, videos, etc. 

Google does the hunting and gathering for you.  Obviously, the broader your search terms, the more results that you will get.  So, be as specific as you can and set up multiple alerts at first to see which ones bring you the best results. Happy Blogging!